Make the Unconscious,


The Third Eye Approach enables you to make the unconscious conscious. Connect to your inner world, and discover that the power to transform has been within you all along.

meet Julie

Using meditation and neuroscience, clients learn to re-pattern their brains, unlocking potential and developing their intuition. By harnessing intuition, perceived risks are no longer risks. Clients have the ability to create stillness within, make better decisions, feel more relaxed and experience harmony in life.

Julie holds a Masters degree in Psychology and is a licensed Mental Health Counselor with 25+ years teaching yogic philosophy and neuroscience allowing her to access her own intuition.

 Julie combined neuroscience and yogic philosophy to create the Third Eye Approach –this enables clients to break through their limiting beliefs, develop a deep connection with their own intuition, harnessing a power unique to themselves to fuel personal and professional success.