the science

Science confirms what only some know. Meditation unlocks intuition. And intuition – your intuition – is unique to you. A highly refined intuition – achieved through the Third Eye Approach – IS your competitive advantage. Something nobody else has.

In meditation, one’s internal gaze is put at their eyebrow level, about six inches in front of one’s face. With eyes closed, the focus is held there. Optic nerves lock eyes into position, putting pressure on the pituitary and pineal glands. One learns what it means to truly be still.

This pressure releases oxytocin, which floods one’s brain. The result? Brain waves move from Beta to Alpha.  The Third Eye Approach guides the client into this shift in the brain – from beta to alpha waves, enabling us to reach deep into the subconscious mind. Here, we take a look around, we get to know our inner world, heal limiting beliefs and awaken intuition.

behind intuition

Most professional coaching programs allow clients to explore their thoughts through talking and thinking. This keeps us in the beta brain waves and connects us to our limited selves,  replaying unconscious beliefs that prevent us from breaking through.

The Third Eye Approach enables clients to have the talk time required to think out a problem or challenge but adds the unique tool of intuitive meditative work that delivers you to alpha waves, the subconscious and the quantum field where your true power awaits.  Here you will find your unique competitive advantage- your intuition. 

We works with clients to make access to intuition repeatable with or without her assistance.

Next steps include working to integrate intuition into every day life. Perspectives shift and awareness is heightened assists clients in making effective decisions. When this new skill set is applied client are able to gain access to new heights of success.

Intuitive Meditation Work